Teams Zaha Hadid Workshop

Martin Gsandtner

Martin Gsandtner is a designer at Zaha Hadid Architects, London. He is a guest reviewer at UCL UNIT 14 and workshop co-tutor at AD/AC introductory workshop at UCL, The Bartlett School of Architecture, London, United Kingdom.
Previously, he taught at the Academy of fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, Slovakia. After he taught at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Czech Republic. He was running his own teaching studio at the private school of architecture “ARCHIP” and was a guest professor at the Technical University, Faculty of Architecture in Prague, Czech Republic.
He found together with the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery and the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design “AAAD” the Experimental Architecture Biennial in Prague, Czech Republic.
He studied architecture at the University of Applied Arts, di:’angewandte and the composition of a 20th/21st century of music at the KONS in Vienna, Austria. He participated in the summer school at the PRATT Institute in New York, USA and the IAAC in Barcelona, Spain.
He exhibited and published his works around Europe. He worked and co-operated with several architectural practices around Europe.
His personal work is focused on speculative “experimental” prototypes in digital design and architecture.
Along diverse digital tactics and the discoveries of natural performance, he is looking into inventing intelligent spatial compositions answering the dialog between human user and artificial space in a better synergy and unexpected realm.