AA Workshop Teams

Arthur Mamou-Mani

・Zaha Hadid、Proctor and Matthews、Jean Nouvel 電腦程序設計顧問
・西敏大學建築系教授 (University of Wesminster)
・TED x 演講者
・英國Simply Rhino參數化設計官方認證教師
・美國 Burnig Man Festival 藝術節參展藝術家
・A+T Partners

Arthur Mamou-Mani is a French architect and director of the award-winning architecture practice Mamou-Mani Architects. He is a lecturer at the University of Westminster in London and owns a digital fabrication laboratory called the FabPub which allows people to experiment with large 3D Printers and Laser Cutters. Arthur has taught parametric design tools, digital fabrication as well as environmental and structural simulation at many leading academic bodies such as the Architectural Association School of Architecture and the UCL-Bartlett. He gave numerous talks including the TEDx conference in the United States and the Taipei Technical University in Taiwan. Mamou-Mani’s clients include Karen Millen Fashion, The Burning Man Festival, and Imagination. His practice is currently undertaking work in England, France, USA and China. Prior to founding Mamou-Mani in 2011 , he worked with Atelier Jean Nouvel, Zaha Hadid Architects and Proctor and Matthews Architects.