Architecture Design Design New Discovery of the Year Product design

Subduction and Rebirth of Dissociated State


Awards : Germany / Taiwan
ISARCH Awards for Architecture Students / Special Jury Prize
Red Dot Award : Design Concept / shortlist
A+ 全場最大獎 25萬

This is a reflection on of the crisis facing the land space program for Taiwan, this program emphasizes research from the environment and to integrateall aspects of spatial information, and then provide the region are affected by environmental disasters,a reference, and destroy and regeneration is theultimate key to the core of program was originally designed to severe environmental manipulation vibrant land targets.
Since two-thirds of the world population living in coastal areas, they could not escape from being submerged. Thus, by taking this opportunity, integrate both nature and the flooded area. The concept of Self- circulation as a sustainable elements is included in the plan that has been proposed to Shetzu Island regarding the water resources part.

Design Product design

The Dream of Homeless


Awards : Germany
Red Dot Design Concept / shortlist

The seriousness of the homeless population growth. An estimated 100 million people worldwide are homeless. (source: united nations commission on human rights, 2005.) Homeless, refers not get fixed, safe houses in the social life and the people living on the streets.Reasons for the formation of different homeless. can not be completely attributed to individuals, often the product of personal interaction with The sTricture under.

Design Product design

Filtering Buoy


Awards : Germany
Red Dot Design Concept / shortlist

improving by existing buoy and add a new function for Tiler dace in such as a river or harbor with the most simple and fast way to combination it, tor reducing the cost or filtration The units for double laver structure design, the first layer for the water storage and the second laver for the filtration system.

Architecture Design Design Product design

City turntable – Hydrodynamic of theater building


Awards : Germany
Red Dot Award : Design Concept / shortlist

The styling inspired by Shakespeare Globe Theatre, coupled with rotating structure of circular body, which can be continuously cycle through movable approach to achieve the effect or changing the screen and the Berlin city integrated into the design. as a long shot of the city, the stage curtain as a medium shot, so that the theater’s vision capable of extending and combined with environmon.

Two rotatable structure, the first one is waterwheel structure, it can make the floating stage is rotated to the city as a background, the second is the floating stage structure, to make the stage rotation for the curtain as a background.
